A woman…

The greatest picture I have in my mind of a woman is the one of the woman who gave birth to me.She carried me for nine months,nurtured me for years on end and exactly when I transitioned and became a woman too,the sky didn’t light up not the trumpet sound but become I did!That tells me she did something right and she did it well.

What is a woman? It may be easier to write what she isn’t using one word….she isn’t PERFECT,that’s for sure.If at all I’m doing good at being a woman then I can use myself to say that we come flawed,we fail sometimes,we get tired,we do get discouraged,and so much more.

We however find that we have to survive and so we learn to ride the tides of life,we get up again,we wipe our tears and trade them in for a smile,we have scars that remind us that we survived and we give life both literally and figuratively.

Perhaps we needed to be there to be a reminder of goodness personified.In our delicacy is intertwined a strength that can’t be feigned.If we are doing it right there should be kindness alongside the firmness.When I think of a woman I think she houses love or at least that is how it should be.I love being a woman.If the world takes time to recognize the woman,so should I!!!Happy women’s day to all!!!

Author: melsvibe

Zambian girl that loves life, loves God and loves people.It doesn't get better than that😃

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